Privacy Policy

Omega Capital (PTY) Ltd

FSP No.17311



This Notice explains how we obtain, use and disclose your personal information, in accordance with the requirements of the Protection of Personal Information Act 4 of 2013 (“POPIA”).

At OMEGA CAPITAL we are committed to protecting your privacy and to ensure that your personal information is collected and used properly, lawfully and transparently.

For all privacy related queries, please contact our Information Officer at :



OMEGA CAPITAL provides the entire range of financial planning and wealth management services to help individuals reach their financial goals.

OMEGA CAPITAL is the holder of an FSCA approved CAT ii investment management licence. We are proud to always demonstrate the highest standards and ethics throughout all aspects of our business.

OMEGA CAPITAL’s aim is to establish a legacy as a values-based financial planning firm with an emphasis on sound advice, independent thinking and delivering service without compromise to our clients.



At OMEGA CAPITAL, we respect your rights to access your personal information, correct it, restrict its processing and delete it. We do our best to make sure that you can freely exercise these rights. You may request to access, update, correct and delete personal information. You have the right to request access to any personal information held by OMEGA CAPITAL.

You may also request that we update or correct your personal information to make sure it is accurate and complete, and in certain circumstances you can request that we delete your information. In general, we try to make this easy for you through our website, our administration hub or by directly emailing our Information Officer. You can also contact your consultant or broker, or follow the procedures provided by the Company if you are an Omega Capital employee.

For any other types of requests, or to request personal information belonging to someone else, please follow the procedures described in our PAIA Manual. There may be some instances where we cannot grant your request – for instance if you ask us to delete data which we are legally obligated to keep, in order to comply with a law. We may also decline requests where these would prejudice any legal purposes (for example, anti-money laundering, fraud or investigation). Other reasons that we might deny a personal information request are if it jeopardises the privacy of others, is trivial a nuisance, or would be extremely impractical


We collect and process your personal information mainly to contact you for the purposes of understanding your financial needs and investment goals and delivering services accordingly.  For this purpose, we collect and process personal information about the following data subjects:

  • Individuals (including clients, members, employees, beneficiaries, advisers, brokers, consultants, and others).
  • Corporate entities (for example our corporate clients or service providers).
  • Funds and their boards of trustees.
  • Omega Capital employees, potential employees, and new recruitments.


Do we collect children’s personal information?

In general, Omega Capital collects and uses personal information of children (minors under the age of 18) during normal business activities, usually because children are listed as beneficiaries or dependants on some products and services that we provide. When we collect and use personal information of children, we always try to ensure that:

  • we have the consent of their parents or legal guardians
  • it is in the best interests of the child
  • their personal information is carefully protected

How do we use personal information?

  • Investment and Private Wealth management – personalised investment portfolios for discretionary and compulsory monies. Local, asset swap and international investment portfolios. Estate and testamentary planning, as well as guidance on fiduciary services. Full investment portfolio analysis. Financial needs analysis for death, disability and retirement. Healthcare consulting including any related communications thereto.
  • Communication Channels – registration on and use of our websites, mobile applications and other communication and digital channels.
  • Employment processes, – both our own, and those required for tax and medical aid purposes.
  • 3rd Party Service and procurement processes.
  • Standard business operations – including audits, market research, statistical analysis, product development, or where there is another legal basis for doing so.
  • Legal obligations – compliance under any statutory or regulatory requirement i.e. for law enforcement, investigations, or court proceedings where requested and where this request is legally sound.

How long do we retain personal information for?

We may keep certain information for historical purposes, particularly since individuals often have a relationship with OMEGA CAPITAL spanning many years or even decades HOWEVER:

  • We will keep your information secure and confidential for as long as we retain it.
  • We only keep personal information for as long as it is needed to fulfil our contractual obligations, or to otherwise comply with any applicable laws such as under FICA or any applicable TAX Laws.


How do we source personal information?

The products and services that OMEGA CAPITAL provides, may require us to collect personal information from your employer depending on the nature of the business relationship or contractual agreements that are in place. Where required, we also collect your information from other organisations at your direction or with your permission, or to otherwise comply with legal requirements.

For other types of business relationships, we try to collect personal information directly from you as far as possible. However, we will always make your information available to you in accordance with your rights, as set out above in this policy.

Do we share or sell your personal information with third parties?

OMEGA CAPITAL will never sell your personal information and does not share personal information with third parties for our own marketing purposes. We may however share your personal information in the following instances:

  • Service providers

We may engage with third parties to help provide certain services or fulfil parts of our business operations. Our service providers are obligated under our standard terms and conditions to handle personal information in accordance with the law and the legal agreements we have with them. This may include providing your information to banks, the Department of Home Affairs, tracing agents, or other organisations for verification. They may not use this data for their own purposes and are required to delete or return it once they’ve completed our instructions.

  • Affiliates

We may partner with other organisations to provide you with products or services, including independent brokers and consultants. We require our affiliates and partners to protect your personal information and act in accordance with this privacy notice and as contracted under our standard terms and conditions, which include our data privacy provisions.

  • Others

We may share your information with other organisations at your instruction or with your consent (for example Astute). We may also disclose information about you for the purposes of legal compliance, law enforcement, national security, or any other lawful basis for doing so.


Do we transfer personal information Cross Border?

OMEGA CAPITAL may make use of international service providers, and as far as possible we endeavour  to ensure that these organisations are in jurisdictions with as strong data protection laws as we have in South Africa.  An example of this is GDPR in the European Union and the United Kingdom. Service providers are further obligated to adhere to security requirements contained under our standard terms and conditions that we have with them.


OMEGA CAPITAL complies with the legal requirements for transferring personal information between jurisdictions to make sure that your personal information is protected wherever it might be.



OMEGA CAPITAL are legally obliged to provide adequate protection for the personal information we hold and to stop unauthorized access and use of personal information. We will, on an on-going basis, continue to review our security controls and related processes to ensure that your personal information remains secure.

Our security policies and procedures cover:

  • Physical security;
  • Computer and network security;
  • Access to personal information;
  • Secure communications;
  • Security in contracting out activities or functions;
  • Retention and disposal of information;
  • Acceptable usage of personal information;
  • Governance and regulatory issues;
  • Monitoring access and usage of private information;
  • Investigating and reacting to security incidents.

When we contract with third parties, we impose appropriate security, privacy and confidentiality obligations on them to ensure that personal information that we remain responsible for, is kept secure.

We will ensure that anyone to whom we pass your personal information agrees to treat your information with the same level of protection as we are obliged to.



If you have questions about this privacy notice or our privacy practices, you are welcome to contact our Information Officer at

For complaints, please follow the procedure described on our website under our PAIA Manual or send an email to If you are not satisfied with how OMEGA CAPITAL has handled your personal information or the outcome of using any of the above channels, you have a right to complain to the Information Regulator (South Africa), but please do give us an opportunity to rectify our mistake before contacting them.

Updates and changes to this privacy notice 

OMEGA CAPITAL reserves the right to update this privacy notice from time to time. We advise you to review this page periodically for any changes. We will notify you of any changes to this privacy notice on our website, and the changes will take effect immediately once published. We may also notify you in other ways regarding changes to this privacy notice and the processing of your personal information